AIP Cheesecake Bites with Berry Compote and Graham Cracker Crust

I have been craving cheesecake lately, so I asked Chef Ann to make an AIP desert inspired by cheesecake. Yep, that’s how spoiled I am! After working her magic in the POTG Test Kitchen she came up with this recipe. All I have to say is WOW! I think it could the graham cracker crust that makes you think cheesecake, but whatever it is these are really good! If you made the S’mores we posted recently and have any left over graham crackers, this is a great use for them. If not just make a batch, we re-posted the recipe for you below. These would be great to serve to a guest, or take to a potluck!

Cheesecake Bites with Berry Compote and Graham Cracker Crust
2018-06-04 07:05:33

Yields 12

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Total Time
1 min

Total Time
1 min

  1. ¾ cup coconut manna
  2. ½ cup coconut oil
  3. ¼ cup honey
  4. 1 T. vanilla extract
  5. 2 T. arrowroot powder, dissolved in a little water
  1. 4 oz each of raspberries, blueberries and strawberries
  2. 2 T. honey
  3. 2 T. water
  4. 1 tsp. arrowroot, diluted in water
  1. You will need mini cupcake liners for this recipe.
  2. You can use regular ones if that is all you have, just fill them up only 1/3 of the way.
  3. Heat the manna, oil, honey and extract in a small saucepan to melt.
  4. Stir in the arrowroot thoroughly.
  5. Remove from heat.
  6. You are melting everything, not boiling it.
  7. In another small saucepan, put the 12 oz of mixed berries, honey and water. Bring to low simmer and cook for a few minutes until the berries start to soften and release their juices. Sprinkle with 1 tsp. arrowroot, diluted in water and stir to thicken the compote.
  8. Take a 12 cupcake muffin pan and put a cupcake liner in each space.
  9. Crush up the graham crackers into crumbs (recipe below).
  10. Sprinkle a few teaspoons of crumbs into the bottom of each cupcake paper to cover the bottom. Using a small ladle or spoon, spoon enough of the cheesecake mixture into each cup to fill it almost up to the top.
  11. Cover and refrigerate for 30-40 minutes to firm the cheesecake bites up.
  12. Serve them with the berry compote on the side.
By Executive Chef Ann Lotterhos
Paleo on the Go

These Graham Crackers are great for snacking, making s’mores or for making “cheesecake bites” with the broken ones.

AIP Graham Crackers
2018-06-04 07:11:28

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  1. ½ cup coconut oil, room temperature
  2. 1 tsp. gelatin powder
  3. ¼ cup coconut sugar
  4. 1 T. molasses
  5. 1 tsp. vanilla extract
  6. ¾ cup coconut flour
  7. ¼ cup arrowroot
  8. 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
  9. 1 tsp. cream of tartar
  10. ¼ tsp. sea salt
  11. Preheat oven to 350F.
  1. n the bowl of a food processor, combine coconut oil, gelatin, molasses, vanilla, and coconut sugar, process until smooth.
  2. Add in the rest of the ingredients, pulsing to form a dough.
  3. Roll out your dough between layers of parchment paper to 1/4 inch thick.
  4. Cut the rolled out dough into crackers using a pizza cutter or knife then transfer the cut dough right on the parchment to a parchment lined cookie sheet.
  5. Bake 8-10 minutes.
  6. Allow crackers to cool, then break them apart.
Paleo on the Go

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Source: Recipes

Keto/AIP Liver Pate – POTG Test Kitchen

Loaded with Vitamin B12, high in Vitamin B6, Biotin and Folate, it’s also a great food for fertility and pregnant women. Straight from the POTG Test Kitchen is this Paleo/AIP/Keto Liver Pâté recipe. It is pretty easy to make and great to serve with some crudité for gatherings of superfood eating friends.

Keeto/AIP Liver Pate
2018-05-14 07:27:22

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  1. 1/2 cup duck or bacon fat
  2. 1 large onion
  3. 2 garlic cloves
  4. 1 lb liver, (beef or chicken)
  5. 1 tsp salt
  6. 1 1/2 tsp mace
  7. 1 T. coconut cream
  1. Chop the onion and cook on low heat in duck fat (or other fat) until caramelized, about 20 minutes.
  2. Slice the liver, removing any membrane (white filmy layer).
  3. Chop garlic and add to onion for about five minutes.
  4. Using a slotted spoon, remove the onions and garlic to a food processor.
  5. Cook the liver on med heat in the remaining fat, until slightly pink in the center.
  6. Let the liver and fat cool for a few minutes, then add to food processor.
  7. Add salt, mace and coconut cream.
  8. Blend until smooth.
  9. Line a container with plastic wrap and smooth the pate into the container so that when it chills, you can turn the container over and peel away the plastic wrap, making the pate slice-able.
  10. Eat fresh or chill to harden and further meld flavors.
  11. Serve with crudité or slice and serve with a salad.
By Executive Chef Ann Lotterhos
Paleo on the Go Test Kitchen

The post Keto/AIP Liver Pate – POTG Test Kitchen appeared first on Paleo on the Go Test Kitchen.

Source: Recipes

Beer Cheese & Pretzels (AIP) – POTG Test Kitchen

Did you know that beer cheese originated in the United States?  It is most commonly attributed to Kentucky, but people all over enjoy the savory cheesy dip for their soft pretzels, unless you follow the Autoimmune Protocol. That is until now. I tasked Chef Ann with creating an AIP version to highlight our Straight From the Farm “Cheddar” Cheese. and that is what we are offering here. Completely gluten and dairy free, even beer/alcohol free this is truly an inspired creation straight from the POTG Test Kitchen.

I had actually never had beer cheese before, but one of our employees has made it in the past and said this recipe was spot on. I am continually amazed by Chef Ann’s ability to recreate flavors with clean, compliant ingredients. Have you used our “cheese” before? Let us know if you have, and definitely give this recipe a try. Oh, and the pretzels are really good too!

Beer Cheese (AIP)
2018-07-11 13:55:44

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  1. 3 T. tapioca starch, dissolved in water
  2. 3/4 cup coconut milk
  3. 1/2 cup caffeine free roasted dandelion root tea, brewed
  4. 2 tsp. molasses
  5. 1 Tbsp. coconut aminos
  6. ¼ tsp. ground cloves
  7. 1 tsp. garlic powder
  8. 1 tsp. onion powder
  9. 2 Tbls. Nutritional yeast (optional)
  10. ½ tsp. smoked sea salt
  11. 3 cups shredded POTG Straight from the Farm Cheddar
  1. In a medium saucepan over medium heat the milk.
  2. Stir in the tea, molasses, onion powder, garlic powder, cloves, coconut aminos, and smoked sea salt. Bring to simmer. Whisk in the dissolved tapioca starch and whisk until thick and bubbling, about 2-3 minutes. Remove from heat.
  3. Add the cheese one big handful at a time, whisking after each addition to melt it in. Add nutritional yeast flakes if using. Taste and add more garlic, salt and onion powder if desired.
By Executive Chef Ann Lotterhos
Paleo on the Go

Soft Pretzels (AIP)
2018-07-11 14:09:46

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  1. 2 c cassava flour
  2. 1½ t baking soda
  3. ½ t salt
  4. ¼ c honey
  5. 1½ c full fat coconut milk buttermilk*
  6. Sea salt for sprinkling on pretzel
  7. coconut oil for parchment paper
  8. 1 cup water with 1 T. baking soda dissolved in spray bottle
  1. Pre-heat oven to 400°.
  2. Line two baking sheets with parchment paper and coat with coconut oil.
  3. In medium bowl mix cassava flour, 1½ t baking soda and salt together and in a separate bowl whisk together honey and coconut milk buttermilk till well combined.
  4. Pour wet ingredients into flour mixture and work together until a sticky dough comes together. You may need to use a dusting of flour to make it a nice smooth dough ball, just use a little at a time.
  5. Separate into 8 smaller balls.
  6. Take 1 ball and roll into a long snake like log approximately 15-16″ long, shape into pretzel and pinch ends together, repeat with remaining dough balls.
  7. Lay the pretzels out on the greased trays and spray them with the baking soda water spray.
  8. Sprinkle liberally with sea salt.
  9. Bake for 10-12 minutes, for best flavor, let cool completely before eating.
  10. *to make coconut butter milk, add 1 T apple cider vinegar to 1 c of coconut milk, let it sit for 5 minutes.
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Source: Recipes

Five Deliciously Easy Ice Creams for Summer (AIP) – POTG Test Kitchen

I scream you scream we all scream for ICE CREAM! How loudly would you scream for AIP “Ice Cream”? Well here we have a collection of completely AIP ice creams for your enjoyment. Old classics and new flavors alike. And don’t forget the sauces, delicious AIP Caramel Sauce and Hot Carob Fudge. My personal favorites here are the Strawberry and the Pumpkin Spice. Check them out below, let us know which is your favorite.

Fresh Strawberry Ice Cream

The bright fresh flavor of strawberry is the perfect addition for ice cream. Fresh strawberry ice cream tastes like summer to me so it was an obvious choice when we started this AIP Ice Cream series. Do you ever freeze fresh strawberries to use during those long months that good ones aren’t available? Well this is a perfect use for them!

Take me to the recipe!

Delicious Pumpkin Spice Ice Cream

Why do we associate pumpkin as a fall ingredient when it is the base of such tasty treats? I not one to fall for the marketing blitz of pumpkin spice this and pumpkin spice that every fall. Especially since those items often have zero pumpkin in them. But as with all recipes we do here in the POTG Test Kitchen, this has simple, real food ingredients, no preservatives!

Take a look at the recipe here!

Yummy Vanilla Chai Spice Ice Cream

This ice cream may not be for everyone, but if you are a fan of more exotic flavors then this should be right up your alley. The sweet and savory flavors of chai spice lend themselves perfectly to ice cream. It uniquely satisfies the palate for the sweet and savory at the same time. Give it a try, 

Take me to the Vanilla Chai Spice Ice Cream

Cherry Carob Chunk Ice Cream

Do you like carob? Some people don’t. If you are following a strict AIP diet then chocolate is a big no-no, so we use carob because of its similarities to chocolate.  So if you like Ben & Jerry’s Cherry Garcia, you will appreciate this recipe.

Make Cherry Carob Chunk today! 

Mexican Chocolate Ice Cream

In this series we’ve introduced some great ice cream flavors. Some old favorites and some brand new flavors as well. But here we have something a little different.  Mexican Chocolate Ice Cream would typically have ingredients that aren’t AIP compliant. We’ve left out the chocolate, cayenne and sugar. We have replaced the chocolate with carob and the sugar with Butternut Squash. Yes, you read that right. Vegetables in the ice cream.

Check out the recipe here!

Don’t Forget the Sauces for your Ice Cream

Do you like your ice cream with toppings like hot fudge and caramel sauce? Well how about hot carob sauce and caramel sauce? The caramel sauce is absolutely delicious! There is also a recipe for a simple vanilla ice cream here too!

I need AIP caramel sauce in my life!

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Source: Recipes

Mexican “Chocolate” Ice Cream (AIP)- POTG Test Kitchen

Have you ever had Mexican Hot Chocolate? Growing up from time to time my mom would make us some using these cakes of chocolate, sugar and spices that you whip up with steamed milk. Just thinking about the flavors of it brings back warm memories. That was the inspiration behind  this “ice cream”.  This “ice cream” is made with coconut cream, only the thick cream part from the top of the can. We save the coconut water leftover for other recipes. An unexpected ingredient in this dish is butternut squash, yes there are vegetables in this dessert! It enhances the creamy texture and adds sweetness as well. It is a great way to get extra vegetables in your kids diet, just don’t tell them!

Mexican “Chocolate” Ice Cream
2018-07-12 05:43:43

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  1. 1 cup cooked butternut squash pulp (chilled)
  2. 3 ½ cups coconut cream (chilled 12 hrs in refrigerator)
  3. 4 T. carob powder
  4. ½ teaspoon ground cinnamon
  5. ⅛ teaspoon ground mace
  1. In a blender or food processor, puree the squash with 2 cups of the coconut cream until perfectly smooth.
  2. Add remaining coconut cream, carob powder, and spices.
  3. Chill mixture then pour into freezer bowl of an electric ice cream maker.
  4. Churn ice cream until desired consistency.
By Executive Chef Ann Lotterhos
Paleo on the Go

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Source: Recipes

Carob Chunk Cherry Ice Cream (AIP) – POTG Test Kitchen

This  “ice cream” was patterned after a very popular flavor from Ben & Jerry’s, Cherry Garcia. Chef Ann’s creation is every bit as delicious as theirs without any flare-up causing ingredients.  With one of these type ice cream makers (frozen canister) the possibilities are endless for AIP “ice creams”. One thing to be aware of, the ice cream melts really fast!

Cherry Carob Chunk Ice Cream
2018-07-09 06:11:28

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  1. 3 cups coconut cream (chilled in refrigerator)
  2. 10 oz bag of fresh or frozen cherries. If frozen, thaw before preparing.
  3. 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  4. 1/2 cup of honey
  5. 1/2 cup of carob chips
  1. Set aside one fourth of the cherries, and dice or finely chop remaining three-fourths of cherries
  2. Place the whole cherries you set aside in a blender or food processor, and puree.
  3. Add all the coconut milk, vanilla and honey into the blender or food processor. Do not add chopped cherries or carob chips yet. Blend medium speed for about one minute.
  4. Stir in remaining chopped cherries into the mixture.
  5. Pour mixture into freezer bowl of an electric ice cream maker.
  6. When mixture starts to thicken, pour in carob chips.
  7. Churn ice cream until desired consistency.
By Executive Chef Ann Lotterhos
Paleo on the Go

Carob Chunk Cherry Ice Cream (AIP) – POTG Test Kitchen

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Delicious Strawberry Ice Cream (AIP) – POTG Test Kitchen

Fresh strawberries, honey, vanilla and coconut cream, you can’t get more real food deliciousness than this. When we made this AIP Ice Cream in the POTG Test Kitchen, it didn’t last long! We used an ice cream maker that has the canister that needs to be frozen and all ingredients need to be chilled The fresh strawberries really shine. It is hard to believe that this is completely dairy free and AIP compliant. The perfect treat for a warm summers evening. But it does have fresh fruit in it, so maybe breakfast?

Strawberry Ice Cream
2018-07-09 06:36:24

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  1. 3 cups of coconut cream (12hrs in fridge)
  2. 2.5 Cups of fresh sliced strawberries
  3. 2 tsp. vanilla
  4. ½ Cup Honey
  1. Put 2 cups of Strawberries, coconut cream, vanilla, and honey into a food processor and puree until smooth.
  2. Place mixture into freezer bowl of an ice cream maker for 20-25 minutes.
  3. Just before the it’s done, throw in the last ½ cup fresh strawberries.
  4. Churn until desired consistency.
By Executive Chef Ann Lotterhos
Paleo on the Go

Delicious Strawberry Ice Cream (AIP)

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AIP Spinach Salad with Honey Balsamic Vinaigrette

Talk about easy recipes, this salad tops the list! The balsamic and strawberries compliment each other so well. The combination of flavors is really makes this simple salad. You could serve it as a side salad with a nice entreé, or add grilled chicken or steak to make it more of an entrée salad. Either way you will enjoy the fresh, clean flavors.

Spinach Salad with Strawberries and Red Onion Honey Balsamic Vinaigrette
2018-06-04 08:11:47

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  1. 1 lb baby spinach
  2. 1 pint fresh strawberries
  3. 1 small red onion
  1. ½ cup balsamic vinegar
  2. ¼ cup honey
  3. 1 cup olive or avocado oil
  4. Pinch salt
  1. Put all dressing ingredients in a container and use an immersion blender to emulsify them into a rich vinaigrette.
  2. Slice the strawberries and thinly slice the red onions. Top the spinach greens with the berries and onions and serve with the vinaigrette.
Paleo on the Go

AIP Spinach Salad with Strawberries and Red Onion with Honey Balsamic Vinaigrette


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Summertime and the AIP Eatin’ is Easy

Summertime and the AIP Eatin’is Easy

The weather is getting warmer, kids are getting out of school and summer vacation plans are in full swing.  Chef Ann got busy in the POTG Test Kitchen to offer up some simple recipes for your summer time entertaining. Real, clean food dishes 

rubNew Seasonings from Paleo on the Go

For your summer grilling we offer our brand new Sweet and Smoky BBQ Rub. Use it on anything you plan on grilling, beef, chicken, pork or seafood. Fully AIP compliant, loaded with flavor and simple to use this new rub will become a staple in your pantry.

We also have our new Enlightened Curry Powder. Blend it with oil to make a marinade, or use it anywhere you would a regular curry powder but rest assured knowing that all ingredients are clean and AIP.

Molasses Wings

So many wings, so many great tasting recipes. But are they AIP? These Molasses Wings are sure to be a hit at your next gathering. A deep rich flavor from the molasses is balanced with the horseradish, giving the wings a little zing. 

Gather up the ingredients and make a batch the next time you have friends over!

Show me how to make them!

Spinach Salad with Strawberries and Red Onion with Honey Balsamic Dressing

A great option for your vegetarian friends, are topped with some grilled chicken to serve it as an entree salad. However you do, it is delicious. Strawberries and balsamic vinegar are a match made in heaven balanced by the savory crispness of the red onion. This is a simple and yummy recipe.

I need this salad!

Pulled Pork Slider on Sweet Potato Bun

Pork is one of my personal favorite meats. We have cooked this pork shoulder in the Instant Pot and the result is delicious and tender. You can add your favorite AIP bbq sauce or leave it the way it is. The biscuit/buns made for these sliders are really good too! They are dense and moist from the sweet potato and are perfect to make sliders with. Another recipe you can make all the pieces ahead of time then put together at the last minute for your guests. Everyone loves pulled pork, don’t they?

Take me to the pork!


Fish Tacos with Avocado Crema

When I hear “fish tacos” warm memories are conjured up of beach vacations surfing in Baja California. Now those tacos weren’t exactly AIP, but these are! Another great dish for entertaining, you can have all the items prepped then cook up the fish at the last minute and present your guests with a platter full of delicious fish tacos.

Take me to the tacos!

AIP S’mores?

This is a recipe for S’mores. AIP S’mores. Clean and fully AIP compliant S’mores.

Enough said.

Take me to the S’mores!


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Source: Recipes

AIP Pulled Pork Slider on Sweet Potato Bun – POTG Test Kitchen

Time for another Instant Pot recipe! We lead busy lives with all the summer activities going on, so using the Instant Pot saves time. You can have juicy and tender pulled pork in no time at all. This pulled pork recipe is simple, you can add your favorite AIP bbq sauce to it or leave it as is. This will allow you to spend a little more time making the sweet potato bun/biscuit. The biscuit is moist and dense from the sweet potato and pairs well with the pulled pork. You could even use this recipe to make a hamburger bun!

Pulled Pork Slider on Sweet Potato Bun
2018-05-31 07:43:42

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  1. Pulled Pork in Instant Pot
  2. 3# boneless pork shoulder butt
  3. 1 T. granulated garlic
  4. 1 tsp. sea salt
  5. Put the pork butt into the instant pot, sprinkle liberally with the granulated garlic and sea salt. Add two cups of water, then seal the lid and press the meat stew button and cook for one hour. After the time is up let the pressure release naturally, then remove the meat, and shred it into small pieces.
  6. Top with a little of the cooking juice to moisten.
Biscuits (makes 12)
  1. 2 ½ cups cassava flour
  2. 1 cup sweet potato puree (bake some sweet potatoes, peel and mash)
  3. 2 1/4 cups coconut milk
  4. 2 Tablespoons lemon juice
  5. 1 Tablespoon coconut sugar
  6. 2 tsp. baking soda
  7. 4 tsp. cream of tartar
  8. 1/2 teaspoon salt
  1. reheat oven to 425 degrees. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
  2. Measure out the coconut milk and stir in the lemon juice. Set aside for 5 minutes.
  3. In a large bowl mix the flour, coconut sugar, baking soda, cream of tartar and salt together.
  4. Add the coconut milk mixture and sweet potato puree to the dry mix. Mix until just combined.
  5. Using a medium scoop, scoop the batter out onto your parchment lined baking sheet. Lightly pat the tops to flatten.
  6. Bake the biscuits for 15 – 18 minutes or until they just begin to lightly brown.
  7. To serve, split the biscuits in half and put a spoonful of pulled pork on each one.
  8. Serve with your favorite AIP BBQ sauce.
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Source: Recipes