AIP Sugar Cookie Dough with Vanilla Icing – POTG Test Kitchen

Many of you have enjoyed our sugar cookie dough that we offered as a product in the past. Although we have decided not to bring it back as a product, we wanted to give you the recipe so you can enjoy the entire cookie making experience from start to finish at home. Get everyone involved and establish a new, Autoimmune Protocol-safe holiday cookie making experience for the whole family. Get the ingredients together and make an evening of it with the family! Take pictures and share them with us on social media!

Sugar Cookie Dough with Vanilla Icing For Rolled cookies
2018-11-15 10:20:09

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Cookie Dough
  1. 1 1/2 cup cassava flour
  2. 1/4 tsp sea salt
  3. 1/2 tsp baking soda
  4. 2/3 cup non-hydrogenated palm shortening
  5. 1/2 cup maple syrup
  6. 1 tbsp vanilla extract
  1. 1 cup of coconut butter, softened in microwave until creamy
  2. 1 cups coconut cream
  3. 3/4 cup honey
  4. 1 T. vanilla extract
Cookie Dough
  1. Beat shortening, maple syrup, and vanilla in a standard mixer or food processor.
  2. In a separate bowl, whisk together dry ingredients.
  3. Add the dry to the wet and beat until just combined.
  4. Spoon the dough from the processor into a container with a lid or wrap the dough ball in plastic wrap. Refrigerate the dough for 3 hours to let it rest.
  5. Preheat the oven to 350F. When ready to make cookies, remove dough from refrigerator and let it sit out for an hour or so until it is soft enough to roll out. Transfer the dough to a large sheet of parchment paper, use your hands to pat the dough down into a round circle, sprinkle it with flour, and then place another piece of parchment on top of it.
  6. Use a rolling pin to roll out the dough to 1/8 inch thick, then cut into desired shapes, continuing until all of the dough is used.
  7. Put the sheet in the oven and allow the cookies to bake for 5-8 minutes until golden brown on the bottom.
  8. Remove from the oven and allow to cool completely before frosting.
  1. Mix all ingredients until well combined. Refrigerate for an hour or more before icing.
By Executive Chef Ann Lottterhos
Paleo on the Go Test Kitchen

Sugar Cookie Dough with Vanilla Icing


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Source: Recipes

Thanksgiving Tips to Make Your Life Easier – POTG Test Kitchen

Many people get stressed out when it comes to holiday entertaining. It is understandable but you really dont have to get stressed out if you prepare and plan ahead.

Plan early and make some dishes ahead of time

Some things you might serve on Thanksgiving can be purchased and prepared ahead of time when the ingredients you want might be more readily available. This is particularly important if you are following the Autoimmune Protocol. Nothing worse than waiting until the last minute only to discover that everyone else did too and your favorite AIP ingredients are nowhere to be found! Mashed Japanese White Sweet Potatoes are one of those dishes that you can make ahead and freeze. Cranberry Sauce and casserole type dishes will freeze well also. The Thanksgivings where I planned and prepared ahead of time were the most successful and stress free. For turkey day save only menu items that need to be prepared day of like crudite and salads. Once your bird is in the oven you have time to do last minute cleaning.


Don’t be afraid to ask people on your guest list to handle some of the cooking. Once your menu is set and your guest list finalized take a look at who the cooks are on your list and assign them a dish to bring. It’s totally ok to do, plus it helps to make people feel involved and will make your day easier and less stressful.

The Turkey

We have many options these days when considering the purchase of the turkey. You can pick a frozen one up ahead of time and keep it in your freezer until it’s time to start thawing. My favorite is to order a turkey fresh that you pick up from your favorite store or butcher just before Thanksgiving. That way you avoid having a big frozen turkey in your refrigerator thawing for days. A frozen turkey will need one day thawing in the refrigerator for every four pounds. If you are planning on brining your bird, start the thawing process a day earlier. You want the turkey completely thawed so that all the deliciousness you have prepared in your brine can soak through.

A good rule of thumb to follow when deciding on how much turkey you will need is;

  • If roasting a whole turkey plan on 1 – 1.5 pounds per person.
  • If you are buying a bone-on turkey breast, plan for ¾ of a pound per person

You can always buy bigger than you need so that you have leftovers to freeze!

Cooking the turkey

A good rule of thumb to begin planning your day on Thanksgiving is to roast your bird for 15 minutes per pound. Of course the actual time will vary based on your oven, if the bird is stuffed and how thawed it is. Your turkey will be perfectly roasted when it reaches an internal temperature of 165 degrees.

Once your turkey is finished roasting, remove from the oven and cover with foil to rest.  You want your turkey to rest for an hour before carving. This allows it to cool slightly and for the juices to redistribute throughout the bird. Remove the turkey from the roasting pan and cover with foil to rest. Now it’s time to get busy finishing up your feast. Make your gravy in the roasting pan, be sure to scrape all the tasty bits and simmer. Pour the juices through a strainer and put them in a stock pot to finish your gravy.

Relax and Enjoy Your Thanksgiving

Have you ever heard of the Six P’s? I belive it is a military thing but it goes like this; Proper Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance. May be a bit strong but it really is true when it comes to entertaining, especially on holidays. A well thought out and planned menu and prep schedule can make your Thanksgiving a day of relaxing and enjoying the feast with your guests.

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Source: Recipes

Herb Brined Turkey with Citrus Glaze (AIP) – POTG Test Kitchen

Over the years I have seen recipes for brining a turkey. I have seen the process on cooking shows and talk shows, but I had never tried it myself. I am blown away at the difference it makes in how tender and flavorful the turkey comes out. Every bite of this turkey had a hint of citrus and herbs and was moist as can be. It makes me think of different combinations of herbs and seasonings to use to achieve different flavors. You do need space in your refrigerator large enough to hold a container with the brining turkey submerged inside. That may take a lot of space but the end result is worth it! Do yourself a favor and brine your turkey this year, a little extra effort will give you so much more flavor!

Herb Brined Turkey
2018-09-26 12:32:29

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  1. 1 (16- to 20-pound) fresh turkey
  1. 1 gallon water
  2. 2 cups apple cider vinegar
  3. 2 onions, peeled and rough chopped
  4. 6 garlic cloves, peeled and smashed
  5. 3 sprigs fresh thyme
  6. 3 sprigs fresh rosemary
  7. 3 sprigs fresh sage
  8. 3 oranges, peels on, cut into wedges
  9. 3 lemons, peels on, cut into wedges
  10. 1 cup sea salt
  1. Brining will make the turkey juicier. If brining your turkey, mix together the brine ingredients in a large cooler until salt is dissolved.
  2. Submerge the turkey in the brine solution.
  3. Add some ice cubes so that the turkey stays cold. The turkey should be brined overnight.
  4. Before roasting the turkey, remove it from brining solution; discard brine and pat thoroughly with paper towels to dry completely inside and out.
By Executive Chef Ann Loterhos
Paleo on the Go Test Kitchen


Wet Rub


Roast Turkey with Citrus Glaze
2018-09-26 12:36:52

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Wet Rub
  1. 1½ extra virgin olive oil
  2. 1½ tablespoons finely chopped fresh rosemary leaves
  3. 1½ tablespoons finely chopped fresh sage leaves
  4. 1½ tablespoons finely chopped fresh thyme leaves
  5. 2 tablespoons fresh orange or tangerine juice
  6. 1 tablespoon fresh orange or tangerine zest
  7. Sea salt to taste
Aromatics to stuff bird
  1. 2 oranges, quartered with rind intact
  2. 1 medium onion, cut into wedges with skin intact
  3. 1 3” to 4” cinnamon stick
  4. 1 cup apple cider
  5. 4 sprigs fresh rosemary
  6. 4 sprigs fresh thyme
  7. 4 to 6 sprigs fresh sage
  8. Sea salt
Citrus Glaze
  1. 1 cup tangerine juice or fresh squeezed orange juice
  2. 1/2 cup honey
  3. 5 tablespoons apple cider
  4. 2 tablespoons organic apple cider vinegar
  5. 1 teaspoon sea salt
  6. 2 tablespoons olive oil
  1. Large shallow roasting pan with rack
  2. Butcher’s twine for trussing turkey
  3. Turkey baster
  4. Instant read meat thermometer
  1. In a bowl, combine olive oil, herbs, orange juice and zest, salt.
  2. Carefully loosen the skin of the turkey breasts and legs. Work the wet rub mixture underneath and over the skin. Season with salt. Place turkey on rack in roasting pan. Let stand at room temperature in roasting pan for 1 hour.
  3. Arrange oven rack to lower position and preheat oven to 425°F. Meanwhile, prepare the aromatics and stuff into the body cavity.
  4. After filling the cavity, truss the turkey with butcher’s twine.
  5. Roast the turkey in preheated 425°F. oven until browned, about 25 to 30 minutes. Reduce oven temperature to 325°F. and baste turkey with pan juices. Continue to roast turkey for 1 hour before basting every 30 minutes and carefully rotating roasting pan for even cooking for the remaining roasting time.
By Executive Chef Ann Loterhos
Paleo on the Go Test Kitchen

Herb Brined Turkey with Citrus Glaze (AIP)

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Source: Recipes

Maple Bacon Sweet Potato Biscuits (AIP) – POTG Test Kitchen

One of the staples of the Thanksgiving table are biscuits. Versions of biscuits have been around since the Roman Empire but the classic soft flakey biscuit, slathered in butter is what comes to mind. But that would’nt fit the AIP.  So Chef Ann developed this recipe in the POTG Test Kitchen that is grain free, dairy free and fully AIP compliant. I really enjoyed this biscuit, it is moist and flavorfull. Perfectly sweet and savory. You know what they would be perfect for? Leftover Turkey Cranberry Sliders! Just slice the biscuit in half, spread a little AIP friendly mayonaisse, add some turkey and top off with a little cranberry sauce. YUM!

That is if you have any leftovers.

Maple Bacon Sweet Potato Biscuits
2018-09-20 06:41:40

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  1. 2 cups cassava flour
  2. ½ tsp. sea salt
  3. 3 tsp. baking soda
  4. 6 Tbl. palm shortening or coconut oil
  5. 1 ½ cups cooked mashed sweet potato
  6. Coconut milk (as needed to hold dough together)
  7. 4 slices bacon, cooked and chopped
  8. 4 Tbl. maple syrup
  1. 1 Tbl. melted coconut oil
  2. 1 Tbl. maple syrup
  1. Preheat oven to 425.
  2. Mix dry ingredients in food processor. Pulse in shortening.
  3. Add sweet potato, maple syrup and pulse.
  4. If dough is not coming together, add a little coconut milk and pulse until it comes together into a dough. Pat the dough out on a counter top dusted with flour.
  5. Sprinkle with bacon and fold dough a few times to incorporate the bacon.
  6. Line a sheet tray with parchment paper.
  7. Use a biscuit cutter to cut out the biscuits and transfer to the sheet tray.
  8. Bake 15-18 minutes.
  9. Mix together melted coconut oil and maple syrup for glaze and brush over baked biscuits.
  10. Let stand for a few minutes before serving.
By Executive Chef Ann Lotterhos
Paleo on the Go Test Kitchen



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Source: Recipes

Mexican Hot “Chocolate” AIP – POTG Test Kitchen

Maybe it isn’t the right time of year for a hot chocolate recipe, but in the spirit of Cinco de Mayo we are offering a carob version. You might look at the ingredients and think, butternut squash?! Yes, there is indeed butternut squash in this recipe.It is actually the sweetener. It also thickens the drink, making it rich and delicious.

Here’s a tip for you, freeze some into popsicles to enjoy this summer. The kids will love them and they will secretly be eating vegetables!

Mexican Hot “Chocolate” AIP
2018-04-30 05:58:05

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  1. 1 cup cooked butternut squash pulp, cooked
  2. 3 ½ cups coconut milk
  3. 4 T. carob powder
  4. ½ teaspoon ground cinnamon
  5. ⅛ teaspoon ground mace
  1. In a blender or food processor, puree the squash with 2 cups of the coconut milk until perfectly smooth.
  2. In a large saucepan, mix the remaining 1 ½ cups of coconut milk, carob powder, and spices. With a whisk, stir over low heat until the carob is incorporated, then add the squash mixture.
  3. Do not boil.
  4. Strain through a coarse sieve to remove any trace of the squash fiber.
  5. Reheat gently in a heavy saucepan.
By Executive Chef Ann Lotterhos
Paleo on the Go Test Kitchen

Mexican Hot “Chocolate” AIP


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Source: Recipes

It’s AIP Biscuit Time! – POTG Test Kitchen

Great Menu Pairings for our New Southern Style Biscuit 

Southern Style Biscuit +… We thought we would put together some ideas on other dishes from our menu that they would go really well with. I mean, the more things you can eat biscuits with the better right?

Take me to the pairings!

No-Nut-Tella Spread (AIP)

Ok, this is seriously good stuff. Decadent and rich, you will totally feel like your are eating a non-compliant spread. But it is 100% AIP compliant. Spread it on our new Southern Style Biscuit or on a slice of apple, so yummy!

Take me to the recipe

Strawberry Shortcake (AIP)

Did you know that June 14 is officially Strawberry Shortcake Day? And strawberry shortcake is yet another perfect use for our new Southern Style Biscuit. We have a recipe for the strawberry sauce for you as well as a whipped topping, all AIP.

Take me to the shortcake

Strawberry Jam (AIP)

Our new Southern Style Biscuit is perfect for spreading a nice homemade jam on. We have a clean and simple AIP recipe here for you straight from the POTG Test Kitchen that fits the bill perfectly.

Check it out here

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Source: Recipes

No-Nut-Tella Spread AIP – POTG Test Kitchen

When it comes to successfully living on the Autoimmune Protocol little things can make a difference. Ok maybe its big cravings too. I asked Chef Ann to come up with some recipes to go with our new Southern Style Biscuit to post on the blog. She came up with this No-Nut-Tella and I have to say, she really knocked it our of the park with this one. If you are a fan of Nutella and miss its creamy deliciousness it is a big deal to you. The recipe is very simple and perfect spread on a biscuit, a slice of apple, strawberry or your favorite fruit. Give the recipe a try and share a pic with us on Instagram!

No-Nut-Tella (AIP)
2018-10-22 08:59:55

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  1. ½ cup tigernut flour
  2. 4 T. roasted carob powder
  3. 6 T. avocado oil
  4. 4 T. coconut manna
  5. 1/4 cup honey
  6. ¼ cup coconut cream
  7. 2 tsp. vanilla
  8. ½ tsp. sea salt
  1. Blend all ingredients together in the bowl of a food processor until smooth.
  1. For best results you need to use a high speed blender. We used a Ninja Professional. The result is a smooth, rich creamy spread that is amazing.
Paleo on the Go Test Kitchen


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Source: Recipes

Strawberry Jam (AIP) – POTG Test Kitchen

This is a simple straberry jam recipe you can make when there is an abundance of delicious strawberries available and freeze it in small portions for when you have something to spread it on. Like our new Southern Style Biscuit! Simple and delicious, now theres a word combo I can belive in!

Strawberry Jam (AIP)
2018-10-22 13:35:34

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  1. 1 lb. fresh strawberries
  2. Juice of half a lemon
  3. 1/3 c. honey
  4. 2 tsp. grassfed gelatin
  1. Chop the tops off of the strawberries and discard them, then slice the strawberries in half.
  2. Put the strawberries, lemon juice and honey in a small saucepan and place over medium-high heat.
  3. Allow the mixture to boil lightly for about 5 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  4. Once the strawberries are softened, start pureeing the mixture with an immersion blender until smooth.
  5. Remove the pan from the heat, add the gelatin and stir until well combined.
  6. Cool thoroughly.
Paleo on the Go Test Kitchen


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Source: Recipes

Strawberry Shortcake (AIP) – POTG Test Kitchen

So you ordered some of our new Southern Style Biscuits but you want to do something special with them. How about Strawberry Shortcake? Chef Ann put together this recipe using our new biscuit and a few simple ingredients. Give it a try today!

Strawberry Shortcake AIP
2018-10-22 09:36:36

Serves 4

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Total Time
30 min

Total Time
30 min

  1. 4 POTG Biscuits, split
Strawberry Topping
  1. 1 lb quartered strawberries
  2. ½ cup honey
  3. 1/2 cup water
  4. 1 tablespoon lemon juice
  5. 2 teaspoons arrowroot
  6. 2 tablespoons water
For the Whipped Cream
  1. 1 teaspoon grass fed gelatin
  2. 4 teaspoons cold water
  3. 1 can full fat coconut milk, refrigerated for 6 or more hours
  4. 1/2 tsp vanilla
  5. 2 tbsp maple syrup
For the Strawberry
  1. In a saucepan over medium heat, stir together the strawberries, honey and water until the sugar is dissolved.
  2. Heat the mixture to boiling, stirring often.
  3. Reduce heat and add the lemon juice.
  4. In a small cup, combine the arrowroot and two tablespoons of water.
  5. Mix well.
  6. Pour this into the boiling strawberry mixture.
  7. Stir and boil over medium-low heat for 4 minutes or until the mixture has thickened a bit.
  8. Remove the pan from the heat.
For the Whipped Cream
  1. In a small pan, combine gelatin and cold water; let stand until thick.
  2. Place over low heat, stirring constantly, just until the gelatin dissolves.
  3. Remove from heat; cool (do not allow it to set).
  4. Skim the cream off the can of coconut milk. Mix the coconut cream with the maple syrup and vanilla then add the gelatin in a stream as the mixer is going to incorporate the gelatin. Refrigerate to set for about an hour.
To Assemble
  1. Warm the biscuits in the oven for a few minutes.
  2. Place two halves on each plate, top with ¼ of the strawberry mixture and top with the whipped cream.
  3. Serve immediately.
Paleo on the Go Test Kitchen


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Source: Recipes

Great Menu Pairings for our New Southern Style Biscuit (AIP)


Chef Ann has been working dilligently in the POTG Test Kitchen to come up with a good biscuit; and the results are in. We are proud to announce our new Southern Style Biscuit. You can order them in a 2 or 6 pack. We’ve paired them with some of our menu items to give you ideas of great ways to eat them. Enjoy!

Our Southern Style Biscuits pair perfectly with our classic Grandma’s Chicken Soup. Perfect for those cold winter nights.

When we first came out with the Turkey Tetrazzini my first thought was, “This would be great with a biscuit”. Now we have a biscuit!

What goes better with mash potatoes and gravy than biscuits? Our Coq au Vin is perfectly paired with our new Southern Style Biscuit. Comfort food at its best.

Our Loaded Baked Potato Soup is perfect for cold winter meals. It is also perfect for dipping our Southern Style Biscuits in. YUM!

The post Great Menu Pairings for our New Southern Style Biscuit (AIP) appeared first on Paleo on the Go Test Kitchen.

Source: Recipes