Creamy Mushroom Bisque – POTG Test Kitchen

A great soup is good any time of year, or in this case a good bisque. What is the difference between a soup and a bisque you ask? A bisque is basically a soup that has been pureed to a smooth consistency. Our Wild Mushroom Bisque was developed in the POTG Test Kitchen by Chef Ann and has a wonderful earthy, meaty flavor. If you like mushrooms, give this one a try!

Wild Mushroom Bisque AIP
2018-05-08 06:08:10

Serves 4

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Total Time
1 min

Total Time
1 min

  1. ½ cup olive oil
  2. 1 cup white onion, finely chopped
  3. 5 cloves garlic, minced
  4. 16 ounces wild mushroom blend (portabellas, shiitakes, oyster, etc.)
  5. 3 tsp. fresh thyme leaves
  6. 6 tablespoons arrowroot
  7. 2 tsp. coconut vinegar
  8. 8 cups chicken or beef bone broth
  9. 1 cup coconut cream
  10. Salt to taste
  11. Reserved sautéed mushrooms and thyme for garnish
  1. In a large sauté pan, heat the olive oil over medium-low heat. Add the onion, garlic and mushrooms.
  2. Let them sauté for 8-10 minutes, or until most of the liquid from the mushrooms has evaporated.
  3. Sprinkle thyme leaves into the mushroom mixture, add the vinegar, then whisk in the bone broth. Bring it to a boil, then quickly reduce the heat to low, letting it simmer, and stirring occasionally.
  4. Simmer the soup for about 15 minutes, or until it is reduced by 1/2.
  5. Whisk in the coconut cream.
  6. Dilute the arrowroot in a few tablespoons of water, and whisk into the simmering soup.
  7. Let simmer until the liquid is thick enough to coat the back of a spoon.
  8. When it is at proper consistency, and let it simmer for another 5 minutes.
  9. Check the flavor and season with salt.
  10. Remove the pan from the heat and let it cool a bit before transferring the soup mixture to a food processor or blender (or use an immersion blender).
  11. Set aside some of the cooked mushrooms for garnish, then puree the soup for a few seconds.
  12. Pour the finished bisque into bowls and garnish with fresh thyme and cooked mushrooms and serve warm.
Paleo on the Go

Wild Mushroom Bisque AIP


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Source: Recipes

Poached Salmon with Green Sauce AIP – POTG Test Kitchen

Poaching is a classic preparation where food is cooked in a small amount of water. Here in the POTG Test Kitchen, Chef Ann added mirepoix to the poaching water to season it. The salmon can be served hot as we have here, or cold for making a beautiful salad. But that green sauce, WOW!

Poached Salmon with Green Sauce
2018-05-07 13:46:23

Serves 4

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Total Time
1 hr

Total Time
1 hr

  1. 1 ½ lbs fresh salmon filets cut into 4 portions
  2. 1 lemon sliced thinly
  3. 3 parsley sprigs
  4. 1 onion, peeled and sliced
  5. 1 carrot, peeled and sliced
  6. 3 T. apple cider vinegar
  7. Water
  8. Sea salt
Green Sauce
  1. 1 large avocado flesh removed from skin
  2. 2 cups blanched Kale
  3. 15 Green onions sliced
  4. 2 t. minced garlic
  5. 1 cup olive oil
  6. 1 T. salt
  7. ½ cup coconut or apple cider vinegar
  8. ½ cup cashew cheese (optional – eliminate this if you are eating AIP)
  9. ½ cup honey
  1. Use a wide, deep skillet. Add salt, vinegar, vegetables, parsley and lemon. Fill with water.
  2. Bring to boil. Reduce heat to simmer. Simmer for 10-15 minutes.
  3. Reduce heat to low so the liquid is at a gentle simmer and barely moving.
  4. Lower the salmon into the liquid, making sure it’s completely covered, and poach for 6-8 minutes for medium or until cooked to your liking.
  5. Using a slotted spatula remove and drain the salmon.
  6. Test with a fork – if it gently flakes, the outside is opaque and center is just pink, it’s cooked.
Green Sauce
  1. Puree all in processor until smooth.
Paleo on the Go

Poached Salmon with Green Sauce AIP


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Source: Recipes

Delicious Brunch for Mom from the POTG Test Kitchen

Mother’s Day is upon us once again, when we celebrate all things Mom. Moms love brunch and here we have a great menu for you to make her feel special. Seriously; if your mom is still with us go out of your way to celebrate her and make her feel like the queen she is. Besides, moms love to have meals cooked for them! Check out the links to the recipes below.

mushroomCreamy Wild Mushroom Bisque AIP

Earthy and rich with a meaty flavor can describe this bisque. Relatively easy to make, you could serve this as a lighter meal paired with a fresh garden salad or with an entree for a more complete meal.

Take me to the bisque!


Two Easy Side Dishes

The side dishes that Chef Ann created in the POTG Test kitchen are simple and tasty. My favorite is the sweet potato stacks, so delicious! I love the crispy edges of the thinly sliced potato. Roasting is a great method for preparing asparagus. Adding a squeeze of fresh lemon at the end adds a nice brightness to them. 

Let’s make side dishes!



Poached Salmon with Green Sauce

Ive never been much of a fish eater. If I do eat fish I tend to like the lighter, white fleshed varieties. I have tried salmon many times and simply didn’t care for it. I think that the combination of the mirepoix in the poaching water and the incredible Green Sauce make this incredible. In fact, I had several bites and enjoyed it immensely. 

Get the recipe here!


Bonus Recipe, Raspberry Lemonade

Raspberry Lemonade
2018-05-09 07:04:20

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  1. 12 oz fresh raspberries
  2. 1 cup fresh lemon juice, chilled
  3. 1 cup cold water
  4. 1 cup honey
  5. 1 liter sparkling water, chilled
  6. Fresh mint and ice, for serving
  1. Place raspberries in a food processor and pulse until well pureed.
  2. Force raspberry puree through a fine mesh strainer into a bowl.
  3. In a large pitcher whisk together water and honey and mix until blended.
  4. Stir in raspberry mixture and lemon juice then pour in sparkling water and stir once.
  5. Serve with ice and fresh mint.
Paleo on the Go

Delicious and refreshing, give it a try!


The post Delicious Brunch for Mom from the POTG Test Kitchen appeared first on Paleo on the Go.

Source: Recipes

Two Easy AIP Side Dishes to Compliment Any Meal – POTG Test Kitchen

Sometimes it can be hard coming up with side dishes that are both simple and easy to make and that also taste good. Chef Ann came up with these two recipes that will compliment almost any entrée you would want to pair it with. It is the clean ingredients that are the star here. If you don’t have a mandolin to slice the potato’s just cut them with a sharp knife as thin as you can.

Two Easy AIP Side Dishes to Compliment Any Meal

Lemon Garlic Asparagus AIP
2018-05-08 06:50:20

Serves 4

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Total Time
15 min

Total Time
15 min

  1. 1 bunch asparagus
  2. 3-4 tablespoons olive oil
  3. Sea salt, to taste
  4. 2 cloves garlic, minced
  5. Juice of 1/2 a lemon
  6. Heat oven to 425 degrees.
  1. Wash the asparagus and trim off the tough, fibrous part.
  2. Spread it out in a single layer on a baking sheet.
  3. Drizzle with the olive oil and sprinkle with sea salt and garlic.
  4. Give the asparagus a toss to coat it evenly, then roast it in the oven for 8 to 10 minutes, just until tender.
  5. Remove from the oven and squeeze lemon juice over it just before serving.
Paleo on the Go


A Great Side Dish for Breakfast or Brunch!

These Rosemary Sweet Potato Stacks would be a great breakfast or brunch side dish as well. Instead of typical hash browns, offer your guest something a little different!

Rosemary Sweet Potato Stacks AIP
2018-05-08 06:59:50

Serves 4

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Total Time
1 min

Total Time
1 min

  1. 2 medium sweet potatoes, peeled and thinly sliced
  2. 3 Tablespoons olive oil
  3. 1 T. fresh chopped rosemary, plus more for garnish
  4. Sea salt
  5. Preheat oven to 375 degrees F.
  1. Line a sheet tray with parchment paper.
  2. Thinly slice sweet potatoes (use a mandoline if you have one).
  3. In a large bowl, whisk together oil and rosemary.
  4. Add sliced sweet potatoes and toss to coat evenly.
  5. Layer potato slices into 8 stacks on the parchment paper.
  6. Sprinkle tops with salt.
  7. Bake for 45-55 minutes, depending on thickness of your sweet potatoes, until edges and tops are golden brown, and potatoes are tender.
  8. Sprinkle with a little more fresh chopped rosemary.
Paleo on the Go


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Source: Recipes

Seven Great Salads for Summer from the POTG Test Kitchen

It’s almost summer. That means busy days outside for fun in the sun. It also means less time for cooking and not wanting to heat up the kitchen. Summer is the perfect time for crisp, fresh salads. You can plan ahead so you just have to assemble the salad when you are ready to eat. It’s a great way to stay cool on those hot summer nights.



This salad won rave reviews from everyone here at POTG.  Delicious, sweet and savory, everyone you serve it to will love it. I must admit to a little skepticism when I saw the ingredient list. Shrimp, strawberries, bacon? But wow it is super tasty!

Make this salad for dinner!


What is a “superfood”? They are nutrient dense foods that filled with vitamins and minerals. This salad contains three, count them, three superfoods! Blueberries, Avocado and Salmon!


I want to eat Superfood!


Green Goddess Saladgoddess

Green Goddess was a popular dressing in the seventies. Our POTG Test Kitchen version is AIP compliant and tastes fresh from the garden. The flavors of the shrimp, avocado, asparagus and cucumber all come together with the dressing to make this a delicious entree salad to serve for lunch or dinner

Get the recipe now!



Have you ever cooked duck? Don’t be afraid to expand your culinary horizons, in this recipe Chef Ann shows you how to prepare the duck to use in this salad. And that Raspberry Vinaigrette, YUM!

Get this tasty duck salad recipe here!



A Greek Salad on the Autoimmune Protocol? Why yes, when it comes from the POTG Test Kitchen! Chef Ann whipped up some “Feta Cheese” to give the salad some authentic flavor. Combined with the other ingredients it all comes together in a delicious summer, or anytime salad.

Get the recipe for this tasty salad!

shawarmaChicken  Shawarma Salad

Here’s a tip for you, make a big batch of this chicken to keep on hand for making salads, or for a quick snack. It’s really good! We’ve paired it with some simple ingredients and a clean vinaigrette, give it a try!

I need this salad!



Grilled Steak Cobb Salad

I love a good Cobb Salad, don’t you? This is an old post from a few years back. The only thing I would add is bacon to make it more traditional. Because, you know you can’t have enough bacon!

Here is the recipe.

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Source: Recipes

Masia Salat Cava from Dry Farm Wines & Vanilla Panna Cotta with Mixed Berry Compote – POTG Test Kitchen

Masia Salat is an organic winery in Catalunya Spain. The sparkling wine is pale yellow color with a very intense aroma in the nose with notes of white mature fruits. It pairs well with deserts. Here we offer a delicious take on a traditional Panna Cotta. Oh my, this is so good! Here in the POTG Test Kitchen Chef Ann used coconut cream to recreate this classic dessert for the Paleo/Keto/AIP world. Perfectly paired by the chef with a sparkling wine from Dry Farm Wines.  Chef Ann says: “This sparkling wine from Dry Farm Wines offers A composition of subtle dairy richness, low alcohol, and a clean, light-bodied mouthfeel make this sparkling wine ideal for pairing with dessert.  It is subtle enough to avoid overpowering the delicacy of the coconut milk in the panna cotta, but its clear notes of earth and strawberry resonate deeply with the acidic fruitiness of the raspberries and blackberries.

This dish is Paleo/Keto and AIP compliant. While we aren’t saying that wine is AIP, if you are going to drink wine you should choose wisely. Dry Farm Wines is all natural, additive free, tested for purity, is sugar free and low alcohol. Some who follow an AIP lifestyle can tolerate these wines that are sourced from small, family owned, organic wineries from around the world. Dry Farm Wines is offering you, our reader a special deal. Order their subscription and get an extra bottle for a penny! Take me to the wine!

Vanilla Panna Cotta with Mixed Berry Compote (Keto/AIP)
2018-04-04 11:57:43

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Vanilla Panna Cotta
  1. 2 1/2 cups full-fat coconut milk
  2. 2 tbsp maple syrup
  3. 3 tsp. vanilla extract
  4. 2 1/2 tsp. grass fed gelatin
  5. 1 tbsp. water
  6. coconut oil, to grease ramekins
Berry Compote
  1. 1 1/2 cups of mixed berries
  2. 1 tbsp maple syrup
  1. Add 1 Tbsp. water to a small bowl and sprinkle the gelatin on top.
  2. Allow it to bloom for 5 minutes.
  3. Heat the coconut milk, maple syrup and vanilla extract in a small pot on medium low heat.
  4. Whisk together and bring to a low simmer. Add the gelatin and whisk together until the gelatin is fully dissolved and combined.
  5. Grease 4 (5.5-ounce) ramekins with coconut oil.
  6. Pour the panna cotta mixture into the ramekins and refrigerate for at least 4 hours.
  7. While the panna cotta is chilling, make the berry compote.
  8. Add the berries and honey to a small pot on medium low heat. Stir constantly, for 3-5 minutes or until the berries have started to breakdown, then remove from the heat.
  9. Transfer the berries to a small bowl and refrigerate to cool.
  10. To remove the panna cotta from the ramekin, slide a knife along the top edge, to loosen it.
  11. Place the ramekin in a small bowl of hot water for 10-15 seconds to warm the outside of the ramekin. Then invert the ramekin on a plate to remove the panna cotta.
  12. Drizzle each panna cotta with 1/4 of the berries and serve with sparkling wine.
  1. Serve with a chilled sparkling wine
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Vanilla Panna Cotta with Mixed Berry Compote – POTG Test Kitchen

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Steak Fajitas AIP – POTG Test Kitchen

I grew up in Southern California so Mexican cuisine was a staple in our house. I am always curious how Chef Ann comes up with spice combinations to mimic those familiar flavors for the Autoimmune Protocol. Typically fajitas would be served with seasoned onions, tomato and bell pepper along with the meat and corn or flower tortillas. Right there three quarters of the meal is gone if you are on the AIP. Chef Ann went to work in the POTG Test Kitchen and came up with this AIP Beef Fajita recipe, replacing the peppers and tomato with zucchini and sweet potato. Yes, it is hard to replace such strong flavors that are associated with Mexican food for the AIP. But Chef Ann rose to the challenge. Check out the recipe below.

Steak Fajitas AIP
2018-04-30 07:46:23

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  1. 2 tablespoons olive oil
  2. 1/3 cup freshly squeezed lime juice
  3. 2 tablespoons fresh chopped cilantro
  4. 2 cloves garlic , crushed
  5. 1 teaspoon coconut sugar
  6. ½ teaspoon ground oregano
  7. 1 teaspoon salt
  8. 1 pound skirt or flank steak
  1. 1 green zucchini, cut into strips
  2. 1 yellow squash, cut into strips
  3. 1 sweet potato
  4. 1 onion, sliced
  5. 2 avocados, sliced
  6. 8 POTG tortillas
  7. Extra cilantro leaves to garnish
  8. Coconut cream (optional) to serve
  1. Whisk marinade ingredients together to combine.
  2. Pour out half of the marinade into a shallow dish to marinade the steak for an hour at room temperature.
  3. Refrigerate the rest of the marinade to use later.
  4. Heat about one teaspoon of oil in a grill pan or heavy skillet over medium-high heat and grill steak on each side until desired doneness (about 4 minutes each side for medium-rare, depending on thickness).
  5. Set aside and allow to rest for 5 minutes.
  6. Peel and cut sweet potato into sticks. Toss with olive oil and spread out on tray, roast at 400 for 15 minutes until tender.
  7. Drizzle with another teaspoon of oil and fry zucchini and onion strips.
  8. Add in half of the reserved marinade, salt and continue frying until cooked to your liking.
  9. Slice steak against the grain into thin strips.
  10. Serve with warmed tortillas, extra cilantro leaves, coconut cream, sliced avocado (or your desired fillings), and drizzle over the remaining reserved marinade.
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Steak Fajitas AIP – POTG Test Kitchen



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Source: Recipes

Chicken Pozole Verde (AIP) – POTG Test Kitchen

A traditional Pozole Verde is a no no on the Autoimmune Protocol, full of ingredients that you can’t have. But Chef Ann doesn’t let that stop her from creating an AIP version in the POTG Test Kitchen. She has outdone herself here with this recipe, just in time for Cinco de Mayo! You would swear that it was made with tomatillo’s and peppers (it has a little kick from the horseradish) but it is completely AIP. Chef Ann also uses chopped cauliflower to replace the hominy normally found in pozole.  Absolutely delicious, you should definitely make this at home!

Chicken Pozole Verde (AIP)
2018-04-26 12:40:14

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  1. 2 quarts chicken stock
  2. 4 chicken breast halves on the bone
  3. 1 pound kiwi fruit
  4. ¼ cup lime juice
  5. 1 small onion, quartered
  6. 2 T. grated fresh horseradish
  7. 4 large garlic cloves, minced
  8. 1/2 cup chopped cilantro
  9. 1 tablespoon oregano leaves
  10. Sea salt
  11. 1 tablespoon olive oil
  12. 1 head cauliflower chopped into pea sized bits
  13. Finely shredded iceberg lettuce, sliced radishes, chopped onion, diced avocado, coconut cream, and lime wedges
  1. In a large heavy bottomed pan, bring the chicken stock to a boil.
  2. Add the chicken breasts, skin side down, cover and simmer over very low heat until they’re tender and cooked through, about 25 minutes.
  3. Transfer the chicken breasts to a plate and shred the meat.
  4. In a food processor, combine the peeled kiwi with the quartered onion, lime juice, minced garlic, horseradish chopped cilantro and oregano. Pulse until coarsely chopped, scraping down the side. With the machine on, add 1 cup of the cooking liquid and puree until smooth. Season the verde puree with salt.
  5. In a large deep skillet, heat the olive oil until shimmering. Add the verde puree and cook over moderate heat, stirring occasionally, about 15 minutes.
  6. Pour the green sauce into the cooking liquid in the casserole. Add the cauliflower and bring to a simmer over moderate heat.
  7. Add the shredded chicken to the stew, season with salt and cook just until heated through.
  8. Serve the pozole in deep bowls, with the lettuce, radishes, onion, avocado, coconut cream, and lime wedges at the table.
  1. finely shredded iceberg lettuce, sliced radishes, chopped onion, diced avocado, coconut cream, and lime wedges when serving.
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Chicken Pozole Verde (AIP) – POTG Test Kitchen

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Source: Recipes

Culinary Adventures With Chef Ann – Your Local Asian Market, Part 2


Culinary Adventures With Chef Ann – Your Local Asian Market, Part 2

Ok, we are back with the second installment of Culinary Adventures With Chef Ann – Your Local Asian Market. Have you ever tried Kohlrabi? Ever had Kohlrabi Slaw? Well, it’s delicious. I love a good slaw and this recipe does not disappoint. Using the avocado for the dressing really pushes this slaw over the top.

Kohlrabi and Carrot Slaw
2018-03-26 09:03:51

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  1. 1 large kohlrabi, peeled, stems trimmed, grated or julienned on a mandoline
  2. 1/4 head purple or green cabbage, shredded
  3. 2 medium carrots, peeled and grated or julienned on a mandoline
  4. 1/2 red onion, minced
  5. 4 tablespoons chopped cilantro
  6. 1/4 cup raisins
  7. 2 Avocado’s, remove pits and scoop meat from skin
  8. 1 tablespoon organic apple cider vinegar
  9. ¼ cup olive oil
  10. 1 tablespoon coconut sugar
  11. 1 teaspoon sea salt
  1. Combine the kohlrabi, cabbage, carrots, onion, cilantro, and raisins in a large bowl. In the bowl of a food processor blend together the avocado, cider vinegar, coconut sugar, and sea salt. Pour the dressing over the slaw, and mix until fully coated. Chill for several hours before serving.
Paleo on the Go


Mmmmm mushrooms. There are SO many different types available at the Asian Market. This is a simple dish, basically sautéed mushrooms. The Enoki Mushrooms have a delicate flavor, so the AIP sauce that goes on top of them pairs perfectly. They kind of squeak in your mouth as you chew them. This makes a great side dish!

Asian Garlic Enoki (AIP)
2018-03-26 09:41:50

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  1. 1 package enoki mushrooms, trim 1″ off the “root” part
  2. 2 tablespoon olive oil
  3. 4 cloves garlic, minced
  4. 3 tablespoon coconut aminos
  5. 1 teaspoon coconut sugar
  6. 2 scallions, thinly sliced
  1. Bring a pot of water to a boil. Blanch enoki in boiling water for 2 minutes. Drain and place the blanched enoki in a serving plate.
  2. Heat oil in a frying pan over medium heat. Sauté garlic until fragrant, about 1 minute.
  3. Add coconut aminos and sugar. Once the sauce boils, turn the heat off. Add scallions into the pan, mix well, then quickly pour the sauce over the enoki. Serve immediately.
Paleo on the Go

I love a good soup anytime of the year, especially something a little different. We found Yellow Chives and yet another type of mushroom. We combined everything with some interesting Yam Noodles. And yes, it was delicious!

Vegetable Noodle Soup with Shrimp (AIP)
2018-03-13 06:42:36

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  1. 4 cups bone broth, chicken or beef
  2. 2 T. coconut aminos
  3. 1 packet yam noodles, drained
  4. 2 fresh bamboo shoots, sliced
  5. 1 piece of fresh ginger, sliced
  6. 2 pieces fresh turmeric sliced
  7. 1 packet of enoki mushrooms
  8. 6 yellow chives or scallions sliced
  9. 2 cups Yuchoy or other Asian greens, rough chopped
  10. ½ # medium shrimp, peeled and deveined
  1. Wash and trim the mushrooms.
  2. Bring bone broth to a simmer.
  3. Add ginger, coconut aminos and turmeric.
  4. Simmer a few minutes to infuse the flavors.
  5. Add the bamboo shoots, mushrooms, yam noodles and shrimp.
  6. Cook 2-3 minutes until shrimp are done.
  7. Add spinach and finish with the sliced
  8. yellow chives.
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Source: Recipes

Three Chinese Take-out Inspired Recipes – POTG Test Kitchen

I love Chinese take-out. In fact I crave it. Chef Ann came up with these recipes in the POTG Test Kitchen. They are all Paleo/Keto and by omitting a couple ingredients here and there all can be AIP. We’ve put together three great recipes for you to try at home.


Three Chinese Take-out Inspired Recipes – POTG Test Kitchen



House fried rice is a favorite dish. Here we have made a Paleo/Keto version that can be easily made AIP by omitting the black pepper and egg. If you can’t tolerate kielbasa, substitute chicken!

Check out the recipe here


Pho has been a popular dish at restaurants, but it is very easy to make at home. A good broth is key to a tasty pho. Our bone broth is perfect to make this delicious soup. Whether you use beef or chicken it’s a great base to build your pho. To make this pho AIP you might want to leave out the Star Anise. According to The Paleo Mom you should be cautious using it and it is best to not use it when first on the AIP.

Get the Pho here


While Paleo and Keto, this dish might be a bit more difficult to convert to AIP and maintain the flavors. You would have to leave out the pepper flakes, ghee and eggs to make it AIP. But you can certainly use the base recipe as a starting point and create your own Bibimbap.


Get the recipe here! 

The post Three Chinese Take-out Inspired Recipes – POTG Test Kitchen appeared first on Paleo on the Go.

Source: Recipes