AIP Jerk Chicken Fingers – POTG Test Kitchen

Did you know that jerk seasoning was originally created by African slaves in Jamaica who fled into the jungle to escape British soldiers, once there they used what food sources they could find and came up with the original spicy jerk sauce to season their food. Of course it contained many ingredients that aren’t AIP compatible.  Chef Ann has created a Jerk style seasoning that is AIP compliant and oh so tasty.  This would be great for wings too! Give it a try and let us know how it turned out.

AIP Jerk Chicken Fingers
2018-06-04 07:31:05

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  1. 1 # chicken breast, cut into strips
  2. ¼ cup orange juice
  3. ¼ cup lime juice
  4. 3 T. coconut sugar
  5. 2 T. onions, minced
  6. 2 T. chopped thyme
  7. 2 T. horseradish
  8. ½ tsp. mace
  9. ½ tsp. cloves
  10. 1 tsp. sea salt
  1. Mix all marinade ingredients together and coat chicken with marinade. Cover and refrigerate for at least an hour. Cook on a hot grill until cooked through.
By Executive Chef Ann Lotterhos
Paleo on the Go

AIP Jerk Chicken Fingers – POTG Test Kitchen

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