POTG 2019 AIP Reset Recipes

Creamy Lemon Chicken Soup

by Krysten’s Kitchen | @KrystensKitchen


avocado oil

2 yellow onions, diced

3 medium carrots, diced

3 stalks celery with leaves, diced

4 medium zucchini, sliced/quartered

1 shallot, diced

3 cloves garlic, minced

1.5 cups shredded chicken (you can add more or less)

1 hand full of spinach, ribboned

3 cups chicken broth, vegetable broth or water

sea salt to taste

1/4 to 1/3  cup coconut cream or full fat coconut milk

1/3 cup lemon juice (optional)


Dice your onions, carrots and celery and put in a medium soup pot on medium heat with 3TB avocado oil. Sauté until onions are translucent. Add in zucchini, minced garlic, diced shallots and stir.

Pour your liquid of choice (chicken broth, vegetable broth or water) and stir. Mix in coconut cream and lemon juice.

Add in your shredded chicken and ribboned spinach and stir.

Add a pinch of sea salt if you like, serve and enjoy! YUM

Krysten’s Bio:

Krysten Dornik is an award winning food blogger specializing in allergy-friendly recipes. She believes in eating real food that is organic, healthy and satisfying. In 2015, Krysten launched Krysten’s Kitchen with the mission to share her years of research on healthy alternatives to everyday foods that those with food allergies can no longer eat, as well as talk about the companies that make healthy foods that taste great! After learning that she is also allergic to sugar and yeast, Krysten has a new drive to learn more about what companies and foods are out there to create new recipes in Krysten’s Kitchen. Website: KrystensKitchen.com

all social media – @KrystensKitchen

Danish Meatballs In AIP No-Curry Sauce with Cauliflower Rice

by Anja Kristiansen | @primal_dane

INGREDIENTS (serves 4-6)


1/2 lbs ground lean pork

1/2 lbs ground lean veal

2/3 cup coconut milk

1 finely chopped shallot

5 tbsp cassava flour

1 tsp white pepper

1-2 tsp sea salt

1 clove minced garlic (optional)

Water and beef stock

No-Curry sauce:

3 cups of water from the meatballs, add beef stock if needed

1 tbsp avocado oil

1/2 finely chopped shallot

1/2 tbsp garlic

1/2 tbsp turmeric powder

1 tsp coriander

1 tsp dried basil

1/2 tsp granulated ginger

Pinch of ground clove

5 tbsp arrowroot starch

Canned coconut cream to thicken (optional)

Riced cauliflower

Cut a cauliflower head into chunks removing the stalk and place in a food processor or blender and pulse til coarsely granulated to rice-size. Place in pan, add water and steam for 3-5 minutes. Alternatively, you can use riced cauliflower from your grocery store. 


Mix everything but the cassava flour and coconut milk together. Add the coconut milk and flour with the mix bit by bit. Boil approximately 6 cups of beef stock or mix of water together.

When the stock is boiling dip a large tablespoon in the water, then form a ball out of the meatball mixture using the spoon and the palm of your hand. Carefully place the meatball in the boiling water. Repeat till you have used up all the meatball dough. Lower heat and simmer under lit for about 5-10 minutes.

Remove from water OR pour about 3 cups of water through a sieve from the meatball pot into another into a bowl to use for the AIP No-Curry Sauce. Remove meatballs from heat and set aside. Reserve the sieved water for the sauce.

In a pot, melt avocado oil and add scallion to till browned. About a minute. Do not let the oil burn. Reduce heat and add all the spices while stirring. Add arrowroot starch and stuff till combined. Pour in the sieved water from the meatball pot a little bit at a time. Stop pouring at desired thickness. (Optionally you can add a bit of coconut cream.) Reduce heat and let simmer for a few minutes. Taste with salt and pepper if necessary.

Serve meatballs over the riced cauliflower. Pour with sauce liberally, and enjoy!

The post POTG 2019 AIP Reset Recipes appeared first on Paleo on the Go Test Kitchen.

Source: Recipes