It’s AIP Biscuit Time! – POTG Test Kitchen

Great Menu Pairings for our New Southern Style Biscuit 

Southern Style Biscuit +… We thought we would put together some ideas on other dishes from our menu that they would go really well with. I mean, the more things you can eat biscuits with the better right?

Take me to the pairings!

No-Nut-Tella Spread (AIP)

Ok, this is seriously good stuff. Decadent and rich, you will totally feel like your are eating a non-compliant spread. But it is 100% AIP compliant. Spread it on our new Southern Style Biscuit or on a slice of apple, so yummy!

Take me to the recipe

Strawberry Shortcake (AIP)

Did you know that June 14 is officially Strawberry Shortcake Day? And strawberry shortcake is yet another perfect use for our new Southern Style Biscuit. We have a recipe for the strawberry sauce for you as well as a whipped topping, all AIP.

Take me to the shortcake

Strawberry Jam (AIP)

Our new Southern Style Biscuit is perfect for spreading a nice homemade jam on. We have a clean and simple AIP recipe here for you straight from the POTG Test Kitchen that fits the bill perfectly.

Check it out here

The post It’s AIP Biscuit Time! – POTG Test Kitchen appeared first on Paleo on the Go Test Kitchen.

Source: Recipes