AIP Spinach Salad with Honey Balsamic Vinaigrette

Talk about easy recipes, this salad tops the list! The balsamic and strawberries compliment each other so well. The combination of flavors is really makes this simple salad. You could serve it as a side salad with a nice entreé, or add grilled chicken or steak to make it more of an entrée salad. Either way you will enjoy the fresh, clean flavors.

Spinach Salad with Strawberries and Red Onion Honey Balsamic Vinaigrette
2018-06-04 08:11:47

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  1. 1 lb baby spinach
  2. 1 pint fresh strawberries
  3. 1 small red onion
  1. ½ cup balsamic vinegar
  2. ¼ cup honey
  3. 1 cup olive or avocado oil
  4. Pinch salt
  1. Put all dressing ingredients in a container and use an immersion blender to emulsify them into a rich vinaigrette.
  2. Slice the strawberries and thinly slice the red onions. Top the spinach greens with the berries and onions and serve with the vinaigrette.
Paleo on the Go

AIP Spinach Salad with Strawberries and Red Onion with Honey Balsamic Vinaigrette


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Source: Recipes