Creamy Mushroom Bisque – POTG Test Kitchen

A great soup is good any time of year, or in this case a good bisque. What is the difference between a soup and a bisque you ask? A bisque is basically a soup that has been pureed to a smooth consistency. Our Wild Mushroom Bisque was developed in the POTG Test Kitchen by Chef Ann and has a wonderful earthy, meaty flavor. If you like mushrooms, give this one a try!

Wild Mushroom Bisque AIP
2018-05-08 06:08:10

Serves 4

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Total Time
1 min

Total Time
1 min

  1. ½ cup olive oil
  2. 1 cup white onion, finely chopped
  3. 5 cloves garlic, minced
  4. 16 ounces wild mushroom blend (portabellas, shiitakes, oyster, etc.)
  5. 3 tsp. fresh thyme leaves
  6. 6 tablespoons arrowroot
  7. 2 tsp. coconut vinegar
  8. 8 cups chicken or beef bone broth
  9. 1 cup coconut cream
  10. Salt to taste
  11. Reserved sautéed mushrooms and thyme for garnish
  1. In a large sauté pan, heat the olive oil over medium-low heat. Add the onion, garlic and mushrooms.
  2. Let them sauté for 8-10 minutes, or until most of the liquid from the mushrooms has evaporated.
  3. Sprinkle thyme leaves into the mushroom mixture, add the vinegar, then whisk in the bone broth. Bring it to a boil, then quickly reduce the heat to low, letting it simmer, and stirring occasionally.
  4. Simmer the soup for about 15 minutes, or until it is reduced by 1/2.
  5. Whisk in the coconut cream.
  6. Dilute the arrowroot in a few tablespoons of water, and whisk into the simmering soup.
  7. Let simmer until the liquid is thick enough to coat the back of a spoon.
  8. When it is at proper consistency, and let it simmer for another 5 minutes.
  9. Check the flavor and season with salt.
  10. Remove the pan from the heat and let it cool a bit before transferring the soup mixture to a food processor or blender (or use an immersion blender).
  11. Set aside some of the cooked mushrooms for garnish, then puree the soup for a few seconds.
  12. Pour the finished bisque into bowls and garnish with fresh thyme and cooked mushrooms and serve warm.
Paleo on the Go

Wild Mushroom Bisque AIP


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Source: Recipes